Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcome 2014!

2013: A Year in Review.

The most exciting thing that has happened to me this past year is the spiritual growth I have gone through. One of last years goals for 2013 was to grow in my faith in God and wow! has that come true! God is faithful, God listens, and God is awesome. I made decisions at the beginning of the year to eliminate certain youtube shows and sitcoms from my life. They were polluting my mind and going against Philippians 4:8 (whatever is pure, right, wise, etc... think on these things). I believe that this will be a lifelong problem but with God on my side, who can be against me?
As well as this, I went through two "studies" (one was a Bible study and the other our pastor's sermon series) on modern day idols. As a result, I'm very very careful around sci-fi shows, British television, books and certain actors. It is my goal not to make them an idol in my life - not to place them above my commitment to God, his word, and his commission.

The other goals which I posted on my blog for 2013 are as follows:

Continue to study hard. I think I did a relatively good job on this... until October. The past three or four months have been really hard on my studying. Editing/publishing my book, NaNoWriMo, and many musical recitals wiped me out. I'm looking forward to starting school again, though!

Write three novels. I wrote two, taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo in April, and regular NaNoWriMo in November.

Read at least 40 books (later, in my mind, I changed this to 50). Check! 69 books this year! Wow! I think that's the most "grown-up" books that I've ever read in my life! (When I was little, we would go to the library and pick up 50 picture books each week. They'd all be done by the time we went back the next week. But those don't count in 'the most books ever in one year' category.)

What else did I accomplish this year?

The biggest thing was publishing my book... After the Twelfth Night. I am SO glad that it's over and done with.

My musical abilities really soared. In piano, I just started my first ten page song, and I've learned to use my voice properly.

I learned that there were Prisoners of War in America during World War Two (see the post Algona, Iowa).

I attended several conferences with members of my youth group and did some fun stuff with other youth groups as well.

I finished reading The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien! That is a feat indeed.

My future has solidified. After my senior year next year I will go off to college to study youth ministry, music ministry, literature, and English.

Top Tuesdays started (I think I started that this year... now I'm not sure) and after six+ months, mysteriously stopped.

As well as continuing to watch Doctor Who, I was introduced into the Marvel franchise, and also in the Harry Potter franchise (by watching the first movie on TV the other night).

So what's in store for the new year?
Here are my plans...

Continue to get to know God, study his word, and make him first and foremost in my life. Read my Bible, pray everyday, and I'll grow... grow... grow...

Continue to study studiously. Finish my Algebra book!!! And get through Algebra II if possible...

Continue growing is my musical pursuits.

Visit my friend's college and start looking into which colleges would best fit God's plan for my life.

Witness to people about the love of God.

Do NaNoWriMo and win! Write a short story a day. Or, just write every day. Especially in my new story idea... (Last year my new story idea was a Defenders of the Realm which fell through. But this new story... well, I think it will stick around for awhile. At least, I'd really like it to.)

I'd really like to catch up on Doctor Who... if that's possible.

Read 100 books! Scary... I don't know if I'll be able to complete that one.

Get more geeky clothes.

Re-watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

EDIT: Read Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.

How about you all? Did you complete any goals you had made last year? What about goals for this upcoming 2014?

Live long and prosper!

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