Thursday, March 22, 2012

The importance of proof reading (and day 12)

I just wanted to talk about the importance of proof reading your blog posts.
I don't do it very well... Perhaps some of you noticed that my last two blog posts have been titled "Day 10/Day Ten."
Proof reading is very important because it makes your posts look neater and it doesn't confuse your audience!

Day 12's post is "A song you want played at your wedding."
I really want the song "When I'm 64" by the Beatles played at my wedding because it's such a funny and sweet song. =)

Now, I'm off to fix yesterday's post!


  1. Ah, thank God for the magic thing called spell check! (I recently discovered the blog post page has a button for it..I was very grateful!) Proofreading is definately key!

  2. =D Good point, Streaky, though I never do it xD
