Thursday, August 8, 2013

On the road again.

I just can't wait to get on the road again...
Who else loved that Veggie Tales CD (and still do) when they were younger?

Anyway, I apologize for my absence the past few... weeks, really. I've had scheduled posts, sure, but most of the time, I've just been gone gone gone (I've been watching Eloise At Christmastime too much... I'm starting to sound like Nanny - she's from England and likes to say everything three times).
Now we are on the road again. We're driving across the country to visit my grandparents in Minnesota. Right now we're somewhere in North Dakota and I'm super sore because I drove three hours on the freeway today! 75 mph is pretty scary.... But we all survived. Although my shoulders will never be the same, I fear.

As well as driving, I have been knitting a scarf (while listening to The Swiss Family Robinson - love that book), reading Emma, watching Doctor Who, adding the necessary scenes to Part Three, and sleeping.

When we reach our destination, I'll do a longer post!

Live long and prosper.

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