Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I can't believe it's July!

This year is moving by too quickly....
Sorry I didn't have a Top Tuesdays up yesterday. I'm under the weather... sort of.  My body can't decide if it's sick or not - or if it has a cold or allergies. So I've been lying on the couch resting and reading. Yesterday I also did a lesson of math which used up all my brain power, leaving none left for a Top Tuesdays.

Hopefully today's post will make up for it... I have a number of things to talk about and June wrap-up updates.
So, without further ado, let's get started!

1. Miss Jack Lewis Baillot over at However Improbable interviewed me! Check it out HERE!

2. Writing update. I had to change my writing plan slightly to accommodate the fact that instead of Two Parts, I now have Three Parts to After the Twelfth Night.
My June goal was to edit Parts Two and Three... But I changed it to just Part Two because Part Three needs some going over before Mom and I attack it.
Which brings me to my July writing goals...
In the near future (like, in the next week) go over Part Three and add scenes that need to be added. Then go over it with Mom. Hopefully finish by the end of the month... But if not, the world won't explode.

3. Reading update.
I finished ten books this past month! Including The Two Towers! Wooohooooo!!!
How am I doing on my summer reading list? I've got a few of them read....
  • The Future Door by Jason Lethcoe - finished today!
  • Crater by Homer Hickam - hoping to start in the next few weeks!
  • A bunch of random Agatha Christie - I got one read! Murder at the Vicarage, the first Miss Marple mystery.
  • Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - Haven't started it yet, but plan to soon.
  • Emma by Jane Austin - I'm currently reading this one and loving it!
  • Sew, It's a Quest and Do You Take This Quest? by Kendra E. Ardnek - check! These are great books. I especially liked the second one.
  • Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery - this is one of the questionable ones... I might read this one next month.
  • The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss - another questionable one that I might read next month.
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll - I'd really like to get this one read soon.... especially since it's so short!
  • Assignment: Eternity by Greg Cox - I exchanged A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court for this Star Trek novel.
  • The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien - now that I've finished with The Two Towers... I want to take on the final part in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I'm planning on reading this one next month.
And the other books on the list I took off because I either haven't got them anymore (they went back to the library) or I've lost my interest in them for the present.

4. Nerd Life.


Claire at Working Title is doing a nerd marathon this month called Nerd Life. Here is the link. You can go there for the information. I'm going to take part! At least partly. There's two parts to this marathon... During the month of July you challenge yourself to read as many books as you can (that you've never read before). Also, during the month of July, you can post about nerd/geeky things such as Star Trek, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, etc. etc....
I'll start off with my goals for the reading quest (which I'm gonna take from my list up above). This month I plan to read and blog about....
  • Crater by Homer Hickam.
  • And Then There Were None (or, Ten Little Indians) by Agatha Christie.
  • Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie.
  • Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.
  • Emma by Jane Austin (even though I've already started reading it.... I want to finish it this month - that's my goal).
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll.
  • And finally... Assignment: Eternity by Greg Cox (the Star Trek novel).
We'll see how far I get!
As for the other part of the Nerd Life... I'm going to use it as an excuse to ramble on and on and on and on about Star Trek! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! *ahem*
Maybe not. But look out for posts about Star Trek, Doctor Who (because I fully intend to do a DW-episode-watching-marathon-thing this month), StarGate... and books, I suppose.
I think it will be fun. If you want to participate, just head over to Claire's blog (links up above) and tell her you'll be participating! And if that's not enough incentive, participants get a picture drawn by Claire at the end of the month (she's a fabulous artist!).

That about wraps up everything I wanted to say...


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