Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Costume

This was my Halloween costume! I went as Tintin...

Here is the picture I based the above pose on:

For Halloween I spent the first part of the evening with my friend who had surgery and the later part of the evening with my youth group at church. I had a fun evening and still walked away with a bag of candy! =D

Here is a video for Grama of me playing Bach's 4th Invention in, I believe, the key of D Minor. Yes... It's not perfect.... Oh well. Evidently I have it practiced up better then Mom ever did ;P Thanks Mom. =)

There might be a lack of posts within the next month because I am taking part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I am writing the sequel to my first novel, written over the Summer.


  1. So, your next song will be "The Jewel Song" by Faust? E~

  2. Haha, I don't know about that one Daddy.

  3. I am surprised that you posted a pic of yourself on here! I like the picture though! Good job on the song! I can't wait to read the final draft of your novel! I haven't posted on my blog in a it is okay if you don't post frequently.

  4. My mom said I could put a picture up because I look so different that no one would be able to tell that it was me.
